Saturday, July 24, 2010

A Glimpse of Summer Memories

Youth Lake Party...waiting on their food :)


Putting sunscreen on my big baby!

Playing Volleyball

Playing the watermelon game

Trying to get Keiver to take a picture

Church-wide Swim Party

Volleyball again

Talking with sweet friends

Catching up with Andria :)

Hanging out by the pool for Bekah's Bachelorette Day

Having too much fun with all the sisters :)

Cheesecake Factory that night

Sleepover! Bekah made us all sister T-shirts

#1 to #4 with our cute socks

Being Stupid

Brunch the day of the Wedding

Daddy's Girls

Getting Mani's and Pedi's

Doing each other's hair

Finishing touches after the torrential down pour on the way to the church...what a flexible bride she was :)

Now introducing Mr. and Mrs. Smith

First Dance

Daddy's Blessing to the Newlyweds

My sweet grandpartents dancing...still so in love after 58 years!

Brunch the next morning with all the family still in town

A typical night at the youth group...playing games

Not a youth event goes by without basketball
Six Flags trip

Driving to CiCi's after a long day @ Six Flags
Tug-of-War @ church camp

Building our team pyramid

The boys covering Jacob up with sand for one of the games

This is what he looked like afterwards :)

Driving!!!! We spent 12 hrs in the car

The girlies...minus a few
Roomies for the week :)

The group!
VBS of the crazy group of boys!

Singing their songs
One of my favorite group of girls :)
Game time!

Sweet girls & Joel
Taking a break to talk with the sister

More summer activities to come....

Molded by God's Graceful Hand

This summer, like every summer in youth ministry, has proved to be full of endless activities and non-stop fun! However, it has been extremely challenging for me emotionally, physically, and spiritually. God never ceases to amaze me though and cover me with His beautiful Grace. At times I found myself stretched to capacity, wondering when we would get a break, and then something else would come up...a problem with a student or parent, another activity to add to the week, an issue between Jacob and I, or something else to prepare. Just when I thought I wanted to throw in the towel God would remind me of a promise, give me something new in His word, or remind me through watching the lives of youth that this life is not about us! Basically what it would always come down to is my own selfishness. I needed a break or I wanted to stop answering phone calls or I wanted to not show up to a youth function bc I feel like we live @ the church or I have no life outside of youth ministry or I never spend time with my husband without a million youth around or...the list goes on and on. It has been a battle between my flesh and God's calling on our lives. How easily I forget and can get lost in my own self pity! It has been a wonderful reminder of the beauty of God's Grace and His new mercies everyday. At different points during this summer He has given me two passages that have remained close to my heart during my "trials"...

Deuteronomy 30:19 & 20- "Now choose life, so that you and your children may LIVE and that you may LOVE the Lord your God, LISTEN to His voice, and HOLD FAST to Him. For the Lord is your LIFE!"

2 Peter 1:3-10: "His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of Him who has CALLED us by His own glory and goodness. Through these He has given us His very great and PRECIOUS promises...For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, all the more eager to make your CALLING and election sure. For if you do these things, YOU WILL NEVER FALL, and you will receive a rich welcome into the eternal kingdom..."

I have been promised abundant life, although not easy, if I choose the Lord. I have been promised to hear the voice of my Creator if I choose Him over the voice of the world. I have been promised a steadfast anchor through the storms of life when I choose my Lord over my own will. I have been given everything I need to live this life through the power of my Savior's blood. I have been promised precious things, namely my salvation, through God's glory and goodness. I have been called and elected to live for my Savior while on this earth. I have been promised that if I choose Him, to walk in His truth, to grow in His word, to live out my calling, that I WILL NOT FALL!
Psalm 37:23-24: "If the Lord delights in a man's way, He makes his steps firm; though he stumble, he WILL NOT FALL, for the Lord upholds him with His hand."

I began this summer so excited for a change of pace, all the activities, the long nights, fun times with all the youth, and God taught me so much more than I expected. It's funny how when we pray for God to mold us and make us more in His image, when it happens we want to run and say, "No more God! I can't take it. This isn't what I had in mind. What are you thinking?" How foolish are we to think we know what's best! How funny that we pray for God to work, but we have preconceived notions of how He should do it! I just imagine God rolls His eyes at us sometimes and thinks, "Ok you can try it your way, but it sure would be easier if you'd let Me take control." What a blessing that He's there to help pick up the pieces and get us started on the right track again. I'm so thankful God brought me through this summer and showed me incredible things through His word. I'm documenting these moments to remind myself when God's refinement comes next time that I will be still and let Him work!

Isaiah 64:8-"We are the clay, you are the Potter; we are all at the work of Your hand."