Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Pregnant? Who knew! (Jan 2012)

So I haven't blogged since finding out we were pregnant and I wanted to catch up before Jacoby comes in a week :) I love being able to look back through previous months and read back over how God worked in our lives. These past 9 months have been such wonderful, precious memories that I want to hold on to forever...
After Jacob's grandmother passed away in September 2011, Jacob and I decided it was time to begin a family...from death Christ brings life and we saw it as God's perfect timing. Little did we know that we'd be getting pregnant within ONE month of trying!! We of course went through the month of January having no idea that we were already pregnant, but we should have known better bc we come from fertile families :)
Over the Christmas break, Molly, Amy Beth and myself decided to do a half marathon in March, so we started the training together and we were doing so well! The whole reason I told them I wanted to do another 1/2 was so that I could get into really good shape BEFORE I got pregnant, but little did I know that I already was!   
 8 mi run right before I found out
So besides exercising vigorously in the first few weeks of conception, I also painted my laundry room with Molly and helped my mom paint a bathroom in their home. Everything you read says NOT to paint and inhale the fumes during those very important developmental stages of the 1st trimester. Not only did I paint twice, but it was in very confined spaces with the door shut!  
And not only did I workout vigorously and paint, but we also went to a wine tasting while Bekah and Ryan were here over Christmas break. Lesson learned that when you're trying to get pregnant you need to be a little more cautious about what you're doing bc you never know if you already are pregnant :) 

Sunday, September 9, 2012

"1,2,3...We're Pregnant!" (March 2012)

Well I still have my "to-do" list saved in my iPhone:
~Finish packing -night gown & pillow
~Wash sheets
~Wash towels and baby laundry
~Buy house warming present (for Bekah & Ryan)
~Finish blog posts
Dated: Sept. 13, 2012
And I didn't get to any of those bc we went into the doctor's office the next morning at 10:30am and Jacoby was here at 3:30pm! I didn't get around to finishing any of my posts, but I had saved all the pics and was in the process of writing stuff to go along with the pictures...
I got way too busy after Jacoby came and battled postpartum for a couple months, so I never got around to updating. I wanted to write down a few things at least, so I can always remember the memories of carrying my precious, firstborn :)
I put together my 29th birthday party, so I could get Ryan & Bekah here without being obvious. I told them Jacob wanted to celebrate my last birthday in my 20's, but according to all them, they were already suspicious. Jacob took a picture of us before we went out for my bday dinner and after the "1, 2, 3" we said "We're pregnant!!" and then we captured all their faces :) Priceless moment!!
Bekah and Daddy were the first ones to catch on
Then on March 10th we met up with Jr, Heather and the kids at one of Jacob's track meets. I slept in the car for a while bc I remember having a horrible migraine. Tylenol DOES NOT work! We all headed over to Napolis to meet up with Sharon, Ralph, Krystal, Kayleigh, Alyssa and Danny to celebrate Sharon's and my birthday. Since the first time I ever met her was on her birthday 5 years earlier and Jacob gave her a fake "We're pregnant" birthday card, I only thought it appropriate to do it for real this time :) It said something to the affect of "Five years ago Jacob thought it'd be funny to introduce his new, pregnant girlfriend...(in the inside was the sono pic) but this time it's for real!" And oh the look on her face :) another priceless moment!
And I'll never forget the headache and the nausea all the way home!!! My sweet husband had to pull over for me to throw up all my cheese ravioli with marinara and jumped out of the car to hold my hair...and then in Jacob fashion commented on the smell haha
13wks pregnant
I remember being so fearful of losing Jacoby my first trimester since I couldn't feel him yet. I only had the morning sickness as my indication that I was still pregnant. The verse I clung on to that whole trimester, and for the rest of my pregnancy, was Job 12:10 "In His hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind." He had my unborn baby's life in His hand and I had to find comfort in knowing the Creator of the Universe was breathing life into my child...His child!