Sunday, February 27, 2011

Insanely Busy, but Crazy Blessed

February flew by and was packed with so many activities as most months are in youth ministry. To sum it up as quick as possible we had a Super Bowl Party, a Valentine's Banquet Fundraiser open to the whole church to help raise money for PlanetWisdom (our annual February youth conference), we got snowed in like the rest of the Dallas/Ft. Worth area and had a wonderful time relaxing and enjoying God's creation, we had our annual Valentine's Bake-Off which is always fun for everyone who either participates in the eating or wins the prize money, we put on a concert, and the biggest event of the month was PlanetWisdom. The busyness of this month was at times exhausting, but how blessed Jacob and I feel to be so busy doing "works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." (Eph. 2:10)
The reoccurring thing that God was teaching me this month was to empty myself of my own selfishness, surrender to His will, and be willing to walk in obedience. What a hard thing to do in a month that was so busy and I so badly wanted to take things into my own control. Now as I come to the end of this month though, I look back and feel so blessed bc He taught me so much!

The top 3 things God taught me this month:
1. When we allow the Holy Spirit to work, God's power is manifested in incredible ways! His power is truly "made perfect in our weakness." (2 Cor. 12:9)
2. God provides strength unimaginable to His children when they call upon His name. "In my distress I called to the Lord; I called out to my God...He arms me with strength and makes my way perfect." (2 Sam 22:7;33)
3. When I ask God to give me a heart that yearns for the things He loves. Or a life that reflects His mercy. Or a mouth that speaks His truth. Or hands that serve in a manor that is pleasing to Him. I better be surrendered to Him doing just that...using my life to show others Himself! "Create in me a pure heart, O God..." (Psalm 51:10). Oh that my heart would be pure and moldable in the hands of my Creator, so that my life would be a better reflection of who He is...

On the way to PlanetWisdom

Gotta love Jr. Highers :)
Waiting for the doors to open...
And waiting...

Our "stretched-out" Justin Bieber was pulled up on stage :)

Christian was pulled on stage to dance


Some of the Bake-Off contestants...

1st Place!!
Snow day with the family...

Valentine's Banquet...

My sweet husband got me flowers and showered praises on his Valentine :)
Wonderful Kitchen Help
Wouldn't be a youth event without a little fun :)
Super Bowl Party Weirdness
Some slept...
Others played video games...
Some played basketball...
Lots of them talked...
But all of them were crazy :)