Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Doing This Life Thing Together

So May has flown by and is about to be over. We're moving into the crazy months of Youth Ministry and getting everything prepared for summer! Over the course of May we've had tons of meetings, my kindergarten graduation program, finished up the school year with field days and parties, Jacob completed his 3rd semester of seminary, my cousin had her first baby, we had 5 different graduations to attend and we put on our annual Senior Recognition Sunday & Luncheon.

Sometimes (actually a lot of times) it's so stressful for us to transition from one month to the next, especially from busy May to crazy summer! I, in particular, get so caught up in making smooth transitions, getting out all the information to the parents in amply amount of time, planning ahead for deadlines, and organizing, organizing, organizing. So nothing was new this month either...I caught myself many times praying "God go before me, guide me, strengthen me and calm me down!" And of course, without fail, He did exactly what He promised He would. Deuteronomy 31:8 "The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged."

I find such comfort in knowing He's already walked before me and knows exactly what's going to happen next. There's no need to be anxious about the next event or discouraged because things didn't pan out the way I was hoping...His plan is perfect despite my mess ups. While He does walk beside us during every big event or new transition I find God telling me in the midst of the chaos, "Rachel, slow down long enough to enjoy the blessings of your life." I get so caught up in just getting through the week or finishing up the next big event that I forget to just enjoy living this life.

Well one such example happened this last weekend...

I had been getting everything organized the week before our big Senior Recognition Sunday, making sure everything was in its place, bought and done. Saturday night rolled around and I was laying in my bed going over and checking off everything in my head. Both slide shows were finished, the kids gift cards were bought, the cake was taken care of, the decorations were pulled out, organized and ready to place on the tables, the food was in the wonderful hands of Mrs. Mackey, I had gotten a hold of all the kids to make sure they knew when to be there, everything was checked off and then it dawned on me that I hadn't gone over what I was going to say to them during the open mic time.

I started thinking about our seniors and all the different memories I held with each one. They all possessed such different qualities and attributes, but the one thing that remained constant in each memory was the all the laughter. Most of these kids I've known since they were in 6th grade and I've watched them grow up...literally. I've watched them get braces put on AND taken off, go through puberty, get their license, find their first job, cry alongside them during their first, second, third heartbreak, gone to many of their games and concerts and musicals, watched them have to go through ugly divorces, lose a loved one, struggle to get their grades up, pray for them as they suffer through addictions, but through it all we laughed together. We had SO MUCH FUN together!

I lay their in bed and realized I'd done it again...got so wrapped up in the event and lost sight of why we were doing it. We were putting on this Sunday for them, to recognize all their achievements, to tell them we loved them, share in the memories we made and say good bye. And I started to tear up laying their in my bed thinking about how this was it, I was gonna have to say good bye, but how thankful I was that I had had years and years with them. What a privilege it is to share in their life and walk beside them through so much!!

Sunday morning came early and although it was busy, I soaked up every moment, reminisced over every picture and listened intently to every word. I love these kids and besides my husband and family, they are my life. I cried through all their speeches and when it came time for me to speak, all I could do was cry and get out something along the lines of, "It's been such a privilege to watch you grow up and be a part of your lives. A lot of y'all have walked alongside Jacob and me too. You watched us date, get engaged, were a part of our wedding day. We've done this life thing together and I'm going to miss y'all so much. Thank you for letting us be a part of your life. I love you." I couldn't get anything else out, but those words are so true to me. I count it a huge blessing to walk this life alongside these teenagers. I couldn't imagine "doing life" with anyone else or in any other profession.

We've done this graduation thing now for years and each year it's hard, but I'm so thankful that we still keep in touch with so many of the kids (now adults) we've seen graduate through the years. So many of them now are finishing up college or are married or are starting careers and I only hope that it remains the same with this graduating class of 2011...that years from now we'll meet up for lunch to catch up or attend their college graduation or just keep in touch over fb.